We believe that women need to connect to one another for soul reasons not just business reasons, therefore we will have local and online opportunities for connection.
This will be creative workshops open to anyone. These will be listed on our events page.
WOVEN Support Groups
Our Women Of Value Encouragement Network will list local support groups for your needs and we will form some for the empty space so that no matter what you are walking through you are never walking alone. These will be listed on our events page.
Heart to Hearts
Individual mentoring sessions. I have been trained and continue to train in multiple Christian DIscipleship, Life Coach, Art Coach and Women oriented services. There are alot of certificates and training behind these sessions but I AM NOT A LICENSED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. I just have alot of life experience and a heart to listen. We are building a group of like minded mentors to share in your journey whenever you need it. There will be no fee for these sessions as we just want to help. We hope to fund time through other workshops so that anyone who needs an ear will get one. Times are by appointment only.
Tea Talks
Tea Parties with Special Speakers! These will be space limited so they will be through invitation or referral. Check this box on the form below for more information.
Soul Sister Retreats
We are working on organizing several retreats with different themes and easily accessed locations so you can get the soul nourishment you need. These will be released through our Healing Hearts forum so check the box below and then join our forum for more information.
Healing Heart Forums
Private members only forums where you can find support
systems. The nature of these forums are for you to gain a listening ear and a mentor or for you to join someone walking a road you have walked.
Bible Study Groups & Book Clubs
We all need to get into the Word a little more and its better with friends so we will sponsor some Bible study groups. These will be on our events page