Helpful Organizations
One of these is ARMS, Abuse Recovery Ministry. This group is based out of Oregon but is spreading. This group teaches women that they do not have to be victims of abuse , that it is not God's plan. They offer groups form men and women who are abusive to help them recover from their behaviors. I have completed training to lead the Her Journey classes. I know it will be a benefit to many women.
Her Journey
A 15-week faith-based, non-denominational weekly class. The class assists women in healing from current or past abusive or controlling relationships. Lessons include topics including Understanding abuse, Boundaries, Depression, Believing in your True Value, Anger, Submission vs Oppression, and more. Classes are free to attendees as they are paid for by donations. We now have local classes in Georgia.
is a faith-based program committed to helping men who have used abusive and controlling behaviors. Our goals are to:
help them to be accountable for their behavior
recognize and stop all forms of abuse and control
change belief systems that support those behaviors
understand how they have affected others
learn new non-abusive beliefs and skills to handle conflict
Fees and homework are required.
Virtue is a program committed to helping women who have displayed abusive or controlling behaviors, and who may also be victims of abuse. Our goals are to:
help her recognize domestic abuse
heal from her past abuse
stop all forms of abusive behaviors she may be exhibiting
New tools for handling conflict resolution and appropriate boundary-setting skills are taught. Intake, fees, homework and regular attendance are required.
You can connect to ARMS at Abuse Recovery Ministry & Services
National Office:
PO Box 663 Hillsboro, OR 97123
503-846-9284 or 866-262-9284
For over 40 years Christian Families Today has been coaching, counseling, training and equipping men, women and children how to build biblically healthy lives and families. Our purpose, hope and desire is to see everyone operating in loving, peaceful relationships with God, themselves, and others. I personally participated in the counseling for over a year then completed Advanced Discipleship Counseling parts I. II. III & IV. My husband and I attended the Grow in Grace Seminars. I highly reccommend their services for healing and personal growth.