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Support You May Need

" For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of " Matthew 18:20

"...that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God"

2 Corinthians 1:4

I strongly believe that God expects us to use our triumph in trials and struggles to encourage another. When we come through these things and we share what God has done for us then we are shining the light onto Him, not on ourselves. It will also help the other person. I experienced this first hand when I started sharing my story. As soon as any part of it left my lips someone would come to me with their own experience, many times they had never mentioned it to anyone else. When this started happening I asked God to give me the words He wanted me to say and a way to help these people. That's where this site comes from. It is also how I found a few organizations I am happy to be a part of that may be of help to you. I also found out how important it is to have a support group that knows what you are going through so we are listing the good ones we find and may start a few if needed.

I am currently in training to be a Her Journey leader for ARMS. I come form a home filled with abuse of many types and this training has been a big part of my healing journey. I know it will benefit many women locally as well. If you are not in my area you can check out their site and find online or local classes near you. 


I am a Sister on the Ground for Saving Our Sisters. Don't get me wrong I am not totally against adoption. I firmly believe that many children need good parents who want them and I will be forever grateful to the ones who raised my two sons when I couldn't. But I am against unnecessary adoption. Read more about SOS on the organizations page and I will share more of my story as we go along. 


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