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Stand for something or you will fall for anything

When we look around today it is with apprehension. The political world is in upheavel and our health is a worldwide pandemic. The world has changed drastically in the last year. We quarantine and wear masks, Lysol is about as valuable as gold! We are in battles for our finances, physical and mental health, spiritual life and families. Its enough to send even the most stable of people spinning!

So what do you do when the world seems out of control? You make sure ahead of time you know what you believe and trust. You make sure the ground you are standing on is not sinking sand. You purpose in your heart that if this happens, I will still trust the Lord. You make sure you KNOW God is in control and He only plans the best for you even when you can't quiet see it. Daniel purposed in his heart when he was taken as a captive to another land that he would still honor God and not defile himself in any manner. He stayed true to his purpose even when it became hard. When he was thrown into the lions den and persecuted he said that he knew God has a plan and even if he did not deliver him from it then it would be for the glory of God.

That is exactly what we need to do. Purpose in your heart that no matter what happens you will rely on what you know of God. He will guard you and keep you. His plan is for your good and will bring glory to Him.

I used to tell my teen daughter and her friends that they should decide what they wanted their life to be like and not even let anything else in. Don't date the boy because he's cute and compliments you, date the one who shares your religious beliefs. Seek out the one who plans to have a life like you want. If you date the bad boy you get used to his bad behavior and it doesn't seem so much but then the next time the new one is a little worse and you learn to accept it. Before you know it you are being treated badly and you don't know how you get there. But only date the ones with your beliefs and your life will be much easier! This I know from experience. As a teen I dated the cute guy at school who was a little troubled and a little bad and I thought it was ok because he was not as bad as what I grew up in. But we did not have the same beliefs or goals and it was a constant struggle for 16 years. When I was ready to date after my divorce, I had a list. Must be a Christian, active in church, must not drink or use any kind of drugs, no smoking and he must be a proven good dad because I wanted my teens to have that experience. For a few months I did not follow my own advice again. I dated a couple of guys who had previously been friends and I almost got caught up in accepting someone who was not so bad. Thank the Lord my good sense won in the end and even if I did have some trouble to deal with from those brief relationships I did not settle. Now 20 years later I am married to a good man, he is a Christian, active in church, does not drink or use any kind of drugs nor smoke and he has proven to be an exceptional dad so my teens and grandchildren get the whole experience. I'm glad I set my expectation and stuck to it.

I have not always followed my own advice. I've gotten caught up a few times in depression from looking at the circumstances instead of my God that is in control. Every time it is a disaster. Now a days when I hear the news with all that is going on I do not panic, get mad or rant. I don't have too. I know God is in control and even when I cannot see what is around the bend I know He has the full view and I will be okay no matter what happens. You can have this confidence. You can trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior and then this world is not really your home, just a temporary dwelling place. You can plant your feet on the solid rock and not be swayed. In Psalm 16 it says "I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope." These are my verses of the year. I have let some things move me over the years but not anymore. I have learned to be content and look to Jesus no matter what is happening in the world. It takes practice. The sooner you start the better it will be for you. So if I see the news or even when I tested positive for covid I know I will be ok and God will get glory from it if I don't waver and look to Him.

There are two encouraging songs I refer others too lately and I am going to link them here. It helps to keep you firm in your purpose if you have things at a ready to strengthen you. Songs to listen to, verses to quote, a friend to call.

What are you going to put in your arsenal to keep you standing firm?

Live Loved

Because you are


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